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A traditional 31- band graphic equalizer (read more) Download - تحميل برنامج aQ-31 1.01 (Demo) A traditional 31- band graphic equalizer (read more) تحميل البرنامج من هنا : Download
Download - تحميل برنامج Mamutu (Trial)
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Live monitoring of all active programs for dangerous behavior (read more) Download - تحميل برنامج Mamutu (Trial) Live monitoring of all active programs for dangerous behavior (read more) تحميل البرنامج من هنا : Download -
Download - تحميل برنامج JAlbum 8.9 (Freeware)
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Grants you full control of the look of the generated digital photo album, not just color theme and basic layout. (read more) Download - تحميل برنامج JAlbum 8.9 (Freeware) Grants you full control of the look of the generated digital photo album, not just color theme and basic layout. (read more) تحميل البرنامج من هنا : Download -
Allows you to move and copy windows among the desktops at any time with an easy to use unified interface (read more) Download - تحميل برنامج Dexpot 1.5.4 Build 1212 (Freeware) Allows you to move and copy windows among the desktops at any time with an easy to use unified interface (read more) تحميل البرنامج من هنا : Download
Inno Setup is a free installer for Windows programs. First introduced in 1997, Inno Setup today rivals and even surpasses many commercial installers in feature set and stability. أحدث إصدار لبرنامج Inno Setup 5.3.10 Inno Setup is a free installer for Windows programs. First introduced in 1997, Inno Setup today rivals and even surpasses many commercial installers in feature set and stability. http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/filehippo?...rq4:yIl2AUoC8zA <a href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/filehippo?a=_C1HvZg5OhM:FLW6ja2Frq4:V_sGLiPBpWU"> تحميل البرنامج من هنا : تحميل
أحدث إصدار لبرنامج Avant Browser 2010 Build 1
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Avant Browser is a standalone application designed to expand features provided by Internet Explorer. It adds a bunch of features and functionalities to IE and its user-friendly interface brings a new level of clarity and efficiency to your browsing experience, and frequent upgrades have steadily improved its reliability. أحدث إصدار لبرنامج Avant Browser 2010 Build 1 Avant Browser is a standalone application designed to expand features provided by Internet Explorer. It adds a bunch of features and functionalities to IE and its user-friendly interface brings a new level of clarity and efficiency to your browsing experience, and frequent upgrades have steadily improved its reliability. http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/filehippo?...PmU:yIl2AUoC8zA <a href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/filehippo?a=gUaS3ykimmQ:oh9Q2wmEPmU:V_sGLiPBpWU"> تحميل البرنامج من هنا : تحميل -
XnView is freeware software that allows you to view and convert graphic files. It's very fast and easy to use. But more importantly it supports more than 400 graphics formats! أحدث إصدار لبرنامج XnView v1.97.5 XnView is freeware software that allows you to view and convert graphic files. It's very fast and easy to use. But more importantly it supports more than 400 graphics formats! http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/filehippo?...DiQ:yIl2AUoC8zA <a href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/filehippo?a=sOeuTLJJWAE:Zvj9KtQHDiQ:V_sGLiPBpWU"> تحميل البرنامج من هنا : تحميل
Postbox lets you spend less time managing messages and more time getting things done. But what makes Postbox really useful is the way it lets you find and reuse all kinds of content hidden deep within your email. After all, it’s your email... make the most of it! أحدث إصدار لبرنامج Postbox 1.1.5 Postbox lets you spend less time managing messages and more time getting things done. But what makes Postbox really useful is the way it lets you find and reuse all kinds of content hidden deep within your email. After all, it’s your email... make the most of it! http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/filehippo?...0ro:yIl2AUoC8zA <a href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/filehippo?a=04xnQARQnD8:GaWwp8mV0ro:V_sGLiPBpWU"> تحميل البرنامج من هنا : تحميل
Looking for a great way to view and manage your RSS feeds from your desktop? Look no further than FeedDemon, the most popular Windows RSS reader. أحدث إصدار لبرنامج Feed Demon Looking for a great way to view and manage your RSS feeds from your desktop? Look no further than FeedDemon, the most popular Windows RSS reader. http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/filehippo?...eLk:yIl2AUoC8zA <a href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/filehippo?a=n_-6Rrr-WRc:0Y486QM0eLk:V_sGLiPBpWU"> تحميل البرنامج من هنا : تحميل
The Adobe® AIR, runtime enables you to have your favorite web applications with you all the time. Since applications built for Adobe AIR run on your desktop computer without a web browser, they provide all the convenience of a desktop application. أحدث إصدار لبرنامج Adobe Air The Adobe® AIR, runtime enables you to have your favorite web applications with you all the time. Since applications built for Adobe AIR run on your desktop computer without a web browser, they provide all the convenience of a desktop application. http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/filehippo?...a98:yIl2AUoC8zA <a href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/filehippo?a=VpcTHx_C6pw:p2Z6VOGBa98:V_sGLiPBpWU"> تحميل البرنامج من هنا : تحميل
أحدث إصدار لبرنامج Flash Player (Non-IE)
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Adobe Flash Player is the high performance, lightweight, highly expressive client runtime that delivers powerful and consistent user experiences across major operating systems, browsers, mobile phones and devices. أحدث إصدار لبرنامج Flash Player (Non-IE) Adobe Flash Player is the high performance, lightweight, highly expressive client runtime that delivers powerful and consistent user experiences across major operating systems, browsers, mobile phones and devices. http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/filehippo?...-G8:yIl2AUoC8zA <a href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/filehippo?a=dzJa3oYZ04g:v3MbzjBV-G8:V_sGLiPBpWU"> تحميل البرنامج من هنا : تحميل -
أحدث إصدار لبرنامج Flash Player (IE)
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Adobe Flash Player is the high performance, lightweight, highly expressive client runtime that delivers powerful and consistent user experiences across major operating systems, browsers, mobile phones and devices. أحدث إصدار لبرنامج Flash Player (IE) Adobe Flash Player is the high performance, lightweight, highly expressive client runtime that delivers powerful and consistent user experiences across major operating systems, browsers, mobile phones and devices. http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/filehippo?...cRM:yIl2AUoC8zA <a href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/filehippo?a=3VUAVjKOD7M:w6Q1GA5RcRM:V_sGLiPBpWU"> تحميل البرنامج من هنا : تحميل -
أحدث إصدار لبرنامج SuperAntiSpyware 4.39.1002
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SUPERAntiSpyware Professional features our highly advanced Real-Time Protection to ensure protection from installation or re-installation of potential threats as you surf the Internet. Used in conjunction with our First Chance Prevention and Registry Protection, your computer is protected from thousands of threats that attempt to infect and infilt... أحدث إصدار لبرنامج SuperAntiSpyware 4.39.1002 SUPERAntiSpyware Professional features our highly advanced Real-Time Protection to ensure protection from installation or re-installation of potential threats as you surf the Internet. Used in conjunction with our First Chance Prevention and Registry Protection, your computer is protected from thousands of threats that attempt to infect and infilt... http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/filehippo?...ljo:yIl2AUoC8zA <a href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/filehippo?a=vSh5sjuOWXk:lW3c7wSUljo:V_sGLiPBpWU"> تحميل البرنامج من هنا : تحميل -
Download - تحميل برنامج MetriQ (Trial)
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Records every second that you or your staff use the computer, with the added bonus of being able to tell which software was used (read more) Download - تحميل برنامج MetriQ (Trial) Records every second that you or your staff use the computer, with the added bonus of being able to tell which software was used (read more) تحميل البرنامج من هنا : Download -
Download - تحميل برنامج CrashDlg (Freeware)
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Demonstrates some of the functions available trough API (read more) Download - تحميل برنامج CrashDlg (Freeware) Demonstrates some of the functions available trough API (read more) تحميل البرنامج من هنا : Download -
أحدث إصدار لبرنامج ZoneAlarm Free
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ZoneAlarm Free Firewall blocks hackers from infiltrating your home PC by hiding your computer from unsolicited network traffic. By detecting and preventing intrusions, ZoneAlarm Free Firewall keeps your PC free from viruses that slow down performance, and spyware that steals your personal information, passwords, and financial data. أحدث إصدار لبرنامج ZoneAlarm Free ZoneAlarm Free Firewall blocks hackers from infiltrating your home PC by hiding your computer from unsolicited network traffic. By detecting and preventing intrusions, ZoneAlarm Free Firewall keeps your PC free from viruses that slow down performance, and spyware that steals your personal information, passwords, and financial data. http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/filehippo?...hvI:yIl2AUoC8zA <a href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/filehippo?a=o8fFcN6YwPk:GkLrGw_0hvI:V_sGLiPBpWU"> تحميل البرنامج من هنا : تحميل