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كادر المعلم ( أسئلة واختبارات ) طريقك نحو اجتياز اختبارات الكادر

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كادر المعــلم ( أسئلـة واختبـــــارات ) طريقك نحو اجتياز اختبارات الكادر




icon1.gif أسئلة الكادر English





1- You have asked one of your students to draw a picture on the board in front of the class.

Which of the following describes his actions as he draws?

(a) He will draw a picture.

(B) He drew a picture.

© He had drawn a picture.

(d) He is drawing a picture.

[ 2009709]

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2- Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

(a) I bought two books by the bookstore.

(B) I bought two books at the bookstore.

© I bought two books of the bookstore.

(d) I bought two books on the bookstore.

[ 2010308]

__________________________________________________ _________

3- Choose the correctly punctuated sentence:

(a) The train with its metal wheels runs very fast.

(B) The train, with its metal wheels runs very fast.

© The train with its metal wheels, runs very fast.

(d) The train, with its metal wheels, runs very fast.

[ 2009725]

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4- Choose the correctly punctuated sentence:

(a) Nermine said, “Come in”.

(B) Nermine said “Come in.”

© Nermine said “Come in”.

(d) Nermine said, “Come in.”

[ 2009741]

__________________________________________________ _________

5- Which of the following is the correct spelling of the following object?

(a) bicycle

(B) bycicle

© bcycile

(d) bicycel

[ 2009746]

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6- Which of the following is the correct spelling of the following object?

(a) pneicl

(B) penicl

© pencil

(d) pncile

[ 2009744]

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7- Read the following text then choose the correct answer for the question below:

Mostafa goes to the club that is next to his home. He enjoys playing football and basketball with his friends. He also swims in the swimming pool.

What does Mostafa like?

(a) Mostafa likes computer games.

(B) Mostafa likes to go home.

© Mostafa likes diving in the sea.

(d) Mostafa likes playing sports.

[ 2009776]

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8- Read the following text then choose the correct answer for the question below:

Samia hates staying at home in summer. She often goes out with her friends to watch Arabic films.

Where does Samia go?

(a) To the theatre

(B) To the garden

© To the cinema

(d) To the club

[ 2009770]

__________________________________________________ _________

9- The underlined word “longin the following text means………

Look at this cute little boy. He has lovely long brown hair. I thought he was a girl from behind.

(a) Straight

(B) Spiky

© Extended

(d) Wavy

[ 2009805]

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10- The underlined word argument in the following text means…....

Salwa and Eman are having an argument over which television channel to watch at home. It would be much simpler if they both liked the same kind of programs.

(a) An agreement

(B) An appointment

© An arrangement

(d) A disagreement

[ 2010329]

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11- Read the following text then choose the correct answer:

It is difficult for students to understand things they have not seen or heard. So, books should have good pictures and drawings to reflect the world in which they live.

The main idea of the text is …………….

(a) The world children live in

(B) Young learners’ hobbies

© Drawing and pictures in books

(d) Characteristics of children’s books


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12- Read the following text then choose the correct answer:

In the morning I like to eat eggs and beans. I also like fresh bread. I always drink tea with milk after I finish eating.

The main idea of the text is …………….

(a) My breakfast

(B) My lunch

© My dinner

(d) My supper


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13- You want to make a play for your students to present at the end of school year celebration. You need to know how to build up its characters.

Which of the following key words can you use to surf the Internet to find solution to this problem?

(a) Modern theatre

(B) Marionettes theatre

© Characters costumes

(d) Characters development

[ 2009845]

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14- Which of the following would you say if you want one of your students to give out the colouring sheets?

(a) Hazem, give one sheet to each child.

(B) Hazem, find out how many sheets there are.

© Hazem, give these colouring sheets to the girls.

(d) Hazem, put the colouring sheets in the box.

[ 2009871]

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15- Which of the following would Nada say if she is hungry and wants to eat?

(a) Can I eat now?

(B) Must I eat now?

© Should I eat now?

(d) Do I eat now?

[ 2009896]

16- Which of the following would you say if you want to give a piece of advice to one of your students who doesn’t feel well?

(a) You are sick.

(B) It’s your fault.

© You should work very hard.

(d) You should go to the doctor.

[ 2010346]

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الإجابات لمهارات التواصل باللغة الانجليزية للمعلم المساعد E100

الترتيب المسلسل الإجابة

1 - 2009709 - 4 -

2 - 2010308 - 2 -

3 - 2009725 - 4 -

4 - 2009741 - 4 -

5 - 2009746 - 1 -

6 - 2009744 - 3 -

7 - 2009776 - 4 -

8 - 2009770 - 3 -

9 - 2009805 - 3 -

10 - 2010329 - 4 -

11 - 2009818 - 4 -

12 - 2009832 - 1 -

13 - 2009845 - 4 -

14 - 2009871 - 1 -

15 - 2009896 - 1 -

16 - 2010346 - 4 -

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