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Unpackage your Genpet and unpackage a world of possibilities.

Say Hello to the all New Genpets™ from Bio.Genica!

The Genpets™ are Pre-Packaged, Bioengineered pets implemented today!

That's right, Genpets are not toys or robots. They are living, breathing genetic animals.

We use a process called 'Zygote Micro Injection' which is quickly becoming a favourable method to combine DNA, or to insert certain proteins from different species. Most notably it was used in 1997 to splice mice with bioluminescent jellyfish (link) and has since been used to create glowing rabbits, pigs, fish, and monkeys (link). Since then, human DNA has been injected into rabbits, chimpanzees, spider DNA into sheep, and now, Genpets have arrived!

Read National Geographic's site for more in formation on human animal hybrids (link).

We've gone one step further by packaging the Genpets™ into plastic packages unlike any other. Each Genpet™ package has a fully functional heart rate monitor and Fresh Strip to better gauge the state of each pet while it lies in its hibernation state. More Info.








The Genpets™ come in 2 base configurations, a 1-year model, and 3-year model.

From there we've broken it down even further. While each Genpet may look the same, really they aren't. Each Genpet™ comes with a color-coded personality. For example, a child that wishes to have a Genpet™ that is very energetic would choose a Red Genpet™ (see features section for details).

Engineered DNA, engineered personalities, and engineered lifespan, it doesn't come any better than that. Bio-Genica has you covered on all bases. Just leave the details to us.

In the Packages

As you've noticed, each Genpet™ comes pre-packaged as a fully self-contained unit. This packaging is part of what truly separates the Genpets™ from every other product on the market today. Each package has an embedded microchip that monitors and controls the state of the Genpet while it is asleep wa iting for you to take it home. Better yet, it displays the status of the Genpet™ with a Fresh Strip, as well as a fully working heart monitor in the top right of the package.

Out of the packages,

Genpets™ have limited mobility. Like dolls, puppies or human babies, they must be looked after and cared for. Upon waking from its dormant state the Genpet™ will immediately bond or imprint to your child.

The Genpet™ line-up pulls its basis from a natural1 stage of evolution in the market. Dolls and robotic toys quickly become tiresome, while traditional pets require a high level of upkeep. Genpets™ however, learn and adapt 2. They are living pets, but better, modified2 to be as reliable, dependable and efficient as any other technolo g y we use in our busy lives.

More questions? Check the FAQ or Features section for more info!






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