سلمان عبدالواحد 0 قام بنشر December 2, 2010 السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته .. انا عضو جديد .. ابي مساعدتكم بتعبير باللغه الانجليزيه عن مواضيع neighborhood-university تعبير بسيط من جمل بسيطه مكون من عشر جمل .. بليز ساعدوني ... شارك هذه المشاركه رابط المشاركه شار ك علي موقع اخر
سلمان عبدالواحد 0 قام بنشر December 2, 2010 انتظركم بالرد شارك هذه المشاركه رابط المشاركه شار ك علي موقع اخر
دعوه للجنه 458 قام بنشر December 4, 2010 انتظركم بالرد جزاك الله خيرا أخى ومرحبا بك بيننا ان شاء الله ف أول تواجد لاعضاء يقدروا يساعدوا حضرتك امثال مستر على دسوقى ، مستر حمدى ، أختا بسمة الأقصى .... أو أى من اعضائنا تخصص انجلش يساعدوا حضرتك ان شاء الله... تمنياتى بخالص التوفيق ... شارك هذه المشاركه رابط المشاركه شار ك علي موقع اخر
ali desoky 391 قام بنشر December 6, 2010 (تعديل) اسف يا اخي لتاخرنا في الرد عليك وذلك بسبب عدم تواجدي علي المنتدي University After finishing secondary school ,student goes to university life. The university is the largest place of learning. It is divided into several faculties. In every college student to join the domain he wants. There is Faculty of Medicine where studying medicine and methods of treating diseases and allow the student to be a doctor after graduation. There is also a College of Engineering and its different kinds and numerous. And the Faculty of Education, where students learn modern teaching methods then graduated to us as teachers . There are also many other colleges such as the Faculty of Arts, Commerce, Agriculture, Science, Economics, Tourism and the Law School. The university is the place to bring out the real future generation , this generation is capable of nation-building in science and modern technology. Neighborhood We all know the neighbor, as we know the rights of the neighbor to neighbor. Neighbor is the person near you at home, housing and has rights must be done. The most important right is mutual respect and non-harm. The person should choose the place where the neighbors are good before living in it. the neighbor can see the mysteries of the house and you may need the help of your neighbor, if he is good, he will help you. And if he is bad, he will cause you problems. you should help your neighbor. You should visit him if he was sick, you should give him what he wants you should not say something harm him. تم تعديل December 6, 2010 بواسطه ali desoky شارك هذه المشاركه رابط المشاركه شار ك علي موقع اخر